A current and complete list of my papers can be found on my chair’s publication repository. Full-text access of many of my articles is available on ResearchGate.
Recent Publications
- Piening, E.P., Thies, F., Wessel, M., and Benlian, A. 2021. „Searching for Success—Entrepreneurs’ Responses to Crowdfunding Failure,“ Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (0:0), p. 1042258720980710.
- Wagner, G., Prester, J., Roche, M.P., Schryen, G., Benlian, A., Paré, G., and Templier, M. 2021. „Which Factors Affect the Scientific Impact of Review Papers in Is Research? A Scientometric Study,“ Information & Management (58:3), 2021/04/01/, p. 103427.
- Berger, B., Adam, M., Rühr, A., and Benlian, A. 2021. „Watch Me Improve—Algorithm Aversion and Demonstrating the Ability to Learn,“ Business & Information Systems Engineering (63:1), 2020/12/04, pp. 55-68.
- Saunders, C., Benlian, A., Henfridsson, O., and Wiener, M. 2020. „Is Control and Governance,“ in Mis Quarterly Research Curations, A. Bush and A. Rai (eds.). http://misq.org/research-curations.
- Benlian, A. 2020. „A Daily Field Investigation of Technology-Driven Stress Spillovers from Work to Home,“ MIS Quarterly (44:3), pp. 1259-1300.
Publication Highlights
- Piening, E.P., Thies, F., Wessel, M., and Benlian, A. 2021. „Searching for Success—Entrepreneurs’ Responses to Crowdfunding Failure,“ Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (0:0), p. 1042258720980710.
- Benlian, A. 2020. „A Daily Field Investigation of Technology-Driven Stress Spillovers from Work to Home,“ MIS Quarterly (44:3), pp. 1259-1300.
- Saunders, C., Benlian, A., Henfridsson, O., and Wiener, M. 2020. „Is Control and Governance,“ in MIS Quarterly Research Curations, A. Bush and A. Rai (eds.). http://misq.org/research-curations.
- Benlian, A., Kettinger, W.J., Sunyaev, A., and Winkler, T.J. 2018. „The Transformative Value of Cloud Computing: A Decoupling, Platformization, and Recombination Theoretical Framework,“ Journal of Management Information Systems (35:3), pp. 719-739.
- Scholz, M., Dorner, V., Schryen, G., and Benlian, A. 2017. „A Configuration-Based Recommender System for Supporting E-Commerce Decisions,“ European Journal of Operational Research (259:1), pp. 205–215.
- Benlian, A. 2014. „Are We Aligned…Enough? The Effects of Perceptual Congruence between Service Teams and Their Leaders on Team Performance,“ Journal of Service Research (17:2), December 31, 2013, pp. 212-228.
Publications for Practitioners
- Adam, M., Werner, D., Wendt, C., and Benlian, A. (2020). „Real-time crowding information can help contain COVID-19,“ London School of Economics (LSE) Business Review, link
- Benlian, A. (2020). „Can technology stress at work impair partnerships at home?“ London School of Economics (LSE) Business Review, link
- Haffke, I., Kalgovas, B., and Benlian, A. 2017. „Options for Transforming the IT Function Using Bimodal IT,“ MIS Quarterly Executive (16:2), pp. 101-120.
- Hess, T., Matt, C., Benlian, A., and Wiesböck, F. 2016. „Options for Formulating a Digital Transformation Strategy,“ MIS Quarterly Executive (15:2), pp. 123-139.
- Winkler, T., Benlian, A., Piper, M., and Hirsch, H. 2014. „Bayer Healthcare Delivers a Dose of Reality for Cloud Payoff Mantras in Multinationals,“ MIS Quarterly Executive (13:4), pp. 193-208.